
5 Produkte ausgewählt

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  1. Green+ Streufutter 2,5 kg (biologischer Anbau)
    € 14,99
  2. Green+ Futtermischung 2,5 kg (biologischer Anbau)
    € 19,99
  3. Green+ Premium Streufutter 2,5kg (biologischer Anbau)
    € 17,99
  4. Green+ Schwarze Sonnenblumenkerne - 2,5 kg (biologischer Anbau)
    € 12,99
  5. Bio-Meisenknödel 6 Stück
    € 4,99
    Nicht lieferbar

Organic Wild Bird Food

Our organic bird food range exclusively features organically grown ingredients, ensuring that no fertilizers or pesticides have been used in the seed cultivation process. The products boast the highest quality, providing birds with optimal nutrients in every beak-full. By choosing these foods, you can rest assured that you are making a positive choice for the environment.